Well, it’s finally here! It’s Youth Art Month (YAM) during the month of March, and this couldn’t be a better time to share the power of art with your school and community. YAM was created in 1961 by the Art & Creative Materials Institute (ACMI) to generate more public support for youth arts education and to bring to light the positive effects an arts education, or even a simple art project, can have on a child’s future.
Here are a few ways you can share the arts at your school:
Host an Art Show: In celebration of the arts, host an art show at your school displaying the art work of your students! This is a great way to show off the talent that is right in your classroom. Have your students make posters, send out fliers, and work with teachers to plan a show at your school for parents and the community to come and enjoy.
Check out Crayola’s Arts Fair!
Have Your Students Do Chalk Art: Spread the word about YAM by making chalk art for the world to see on sidewalks, or even on the playground!
Who Wants to Be an Artist? Host an art trivia game with your students and have students answer questions about artists and themes you’re teaching in class. This is a great way to keep kids on the edge of their seats!
Edible Food Art: Bring edible treats for students that resemble a theme from the gallery visits or an artist’s style. They’ll be sure to remember this one!
Pin It! Design a bulletin board at your school focused on students’ art and artists. You can post facts about the classical artists and your students to celebrate all of their talents!
Have Some Principles: Have your principal read a relevant art quote at the start of each week to remind the school community about the importance of YAM.
It’s All in the Family: Arrange for a family fun night where parents can come and take part in an art workshop based on a theme from a gallery visit!
If you have other plans, tell us all about it on our Facebook page!